The high school entrance exam mainly consists of 5 subjects.
- 英語 English
- 数学 Math
- 国語 Japanese Language (Kokugo)
- 理科 Science
- 社会 Social Studies
🔴 English / 英語
English is a subject that allows you to get a high score even if your Japanese skills are weak.
The test questions use English that is studied all over the world, so both Japanese and foreign students take the test under the same conditions.
However, the instructions are in Japanese, so learning common test words and phrases will be helpful.
🟡 Math / 数学
Math is a universal language. The rules for formulas and calculations are the same in every country.
So, even if your Japanese is weak, you can solve many problems by carefully reading the numbers and symbols.
However, word problems require basic Japanese reading skills.
📌 Learning key math words in Japanese will help you understand the questions better.
📌 重要な数学の用語を日本語で学ぶと、問題が理解しやすくなります。
🟢 Japanese Language (Kokugo) / 国語
Kokugo is a subject that covers Japanese, but it is not just about learning the language.
In the Kokugo test, students answer questions in Japanese to test their logical thinking skills.
It also includes Japanese culture and ways of thinking.
Kokugo exams include the following fields:
• Contemporary Japanese Language (explanations and stories)
• Classical Japanese (kobun)
• Chinese classics (kanbun)
📌 This test requires a deep understanding of Japanese. Many kanji in the Kokugo test are more difficult than the kanji learned in basic Japanese language study. Start with the easier questions first.
- 現代文(説明文や物語)
- 古文
- 漢文
📌 この試験では、日本語の深い理解が求められます。また、国語の試験に出る漢字は、日本語学習で学ぶ漢字よりも難しいものが多いです。まずは簡単な問題から始めましょう。
🔵 Science / 理科
Science exams include the following fields:
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Earth Science
You may have already studied some science topics before.
However, since the test is written in Japanese, understanding the questions is important.
📌 Example:
You may know what “H₂O” means, but if you do not know how to say “H” and “O” in Japanese, you might not get the correct answer.
• “H” = Hydrogen (水素 suiso)
• “O” = Oxygen (酸素sanso)
📌 Learn important science words in Japanese.
- 物理
- 化学
- 生物
- 地学
📌 例:H₂O の意味は知っているかもしれませんが、「H」と「O」の日本語を知らなければ、正解できないかもしれません。
- “H” = 水素
- “O” = 酸素
📌 理科の重要な用語を日本語で学びましょう。
🟠 Social Studies / 社会
Social studies exams include the following fields:
• Geography
• History
• Civics
World geography and international society are easier because you can use what you already know.
Japanese geography, history, politics, and economy are harder if you do not know much about Japan.
📌 Understanding Japanese society is important for living in Japan. Learn step by step.
- 地理
- 歴史
- 公民
📌 日本で生活するために、日本の社会を理解することは大切です。少しずつ学んでいきましょう。
We explain social studies in detail on this website.
社会科については、 このサイトで特に詳しく説明します。