3. Constitution of Japan / Japanese Constitution 日本国憲法 

Principles of the Constitution of Japan 日本国憲法の原則

  • presented: 1946/11/3 1946年11月3日
    The Japanese Constitution was officially promulgated “made public” on [November 3rd, 1946].
  • effective: 1947/5/3 1947年5月3日
    The Japanese Constitution was enforced “put into effect” on [May 3rd, 1947].
  • Supreme Law 最高法規
    In the Japanese Constitution, the Constitution is regarded as the [supreme law] of the country.
    日本国憲法では、憲法は国の( 最高法規 )とされています。
  • Separation of Powers 三権分立
    The principle of [separation of powers] divides the government’s powers into three branches — “legislative”, “executive”, and “judicial” — to prevent the concentration of power and protect the rights and freedoms of the people.
    国の権力を「立法権」「行政権」「司法権」の3つに分けて、「権力の集中」を防ぎ、国民の権利や自由を守ろうといいます。考え方を( 三権分立 )といいます。
  • Sovereign Power 主権
    The Japanese Constitution has three fundamental principles: [1] The people hold [sovereign power].
    日本国憲法には3つの基本原理があるとされています。①( 主権 )は国民にあります。
  • Renunciation of War 戦争放棄
    [2] Japan [renounces war] and adopts a peaceful approach.
    ②平和主義をとり、( 戦争を放棄 )します。
  • Fundamental Human Rights 基本的人権
    [3] [Fundamental human rights] are respected for the people.
    ③国民の権利については、( 基本的人権 )を尊重します。

[1] Sovereignty of the People 国民主権

  • The Emperor as a Symbol 象徴としての天皇
    (The Article 1.) Emperor shall be the [symbol] of the State and of the unity of the people, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power.
    天皇は、日本国と日本国民統合の( 象徴 )とされています。
  • Sovereign Power 主権
    (Article 1.) The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides [sovereign power].
    天皇の地位は、( 主権 )の存する国民の総意に基くとされています。
  • Advice and Approval of the Cabinet 内閣の助言と承認
    (Article 3.) The [advice and approval] of the Cabinet shall be required for all [acts of the Emperor in matters of state], and the Cabinet shall be responsible therefor.
    天皇は内閣の( 助言と承認 )によって、( 国事行為 )を行います。
  • Acts of the Emperor in Matters of State 天皇の国事行為
    (Article 3.) The [advice and approval] of the Cabinet shall be required for all [acts of the Emperor in matters of state], and the Cabinet shall be responsible therefor.
    天皇は内閣の( 助言と承認 )によって、( 国事行為 )を行います。

[2] Renunciation of War戦争放棄

  • Article 9 第9条
    [Article 9] of the Japanese Constitution renounces war prohibits the maintenance of military forces and recognizes no right of belligerency.
    日本国憲法の( 第9条 )は、戦争を放棄し、戦力を持たず、交戦権を認めないことを定めています。
  • Three Non-Nuclear Principles 非核三原則
    Japan’s policy on nuclear weapons is commonly known as the [three non-nuclear principles], which specify that Japan will not possess, produce, or introduce nuclear weapons.
    核兵器に対する日本の原則を( 非核三原則 )といいます。
  • Not Possess, Produce, or Introduce 「持たず、作らず、持ちこませず」
    Japan’s policy on nuclear weapons is commonly known as the “Three Non-Nuclear Principles,” which specify that Japan will [“not possess, produce, or introduce”] nuclear weapons.

[3] Respect for Fundamental Human Rights基本的人権の尊重

  • Eternal and Inviolate Rights 侵すことのできない永久の権利
    (Article 11.) …These fundamental human rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be conferred upon the people of this and future generations as [eternal] and inviolate rights.
    基本的人権は侵すことのできない( 永久の権利 )とされています。
  • Individuals 個人
    (Article 13.) All of the people shall be respected as [individuals].
    「国民は、( 個人 )として尊重される」と定められています。
  • Public Welfare 公共の福祉
    People’s rights should be respected as much as possible without interfering with [public welfare].
    国民の権利は( 公共の福祉 )に反しないかぎり、最大限に尊重されます。

Constitutional Amendment Process 憲法改正の手続き

  • Two-Thirds or More of All the Members 総議員の3分の2以上
    (Article 96.) Amendments to this Constitution shall be “initiated” by the Diet, through a concurring vote of [two-thirds or more of all the members] of each House and shall thereupon be submitted to the people for ratification,…
    憲法を改正するためには、衆議院と参議院の各議院で、( 総議員の3分の2以上 )の賛成で、国会が「発議」します。
  • Referendum 国民投票
    (Article 96.) …which shall require the affirmative vote of a “majority” of all votes cast thereon, at a special [referendum] or at such election as the Diet shall specify.
    国会が発議した憲法は、( 国民投票 )で、有効投票の「過半数」の承認で成立します。

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