About this Site

Guide to Japanese High School Entrance Exams
A Study Resource for Foreign Students

The purpose of this website is to help students of Japanese as a Second Language (JSL) prepare for high school entrance exams.

In Japan, elementary school (6 years) and junior high school (3 years) are compulsory.
However, to enter high school (3 years), students must take an entrance exam.
We provide study materials and explain how to prepare for the exam:

  • English and Math: Even if your Japanese is not strong, these subjects are relatively easier to score in.
  • Science: If you learn the Japanese words that match the terms you studied in your language, you will understand the questions better.
  • Japanese and Social Studies: These subjects are important for understanding Japanese culture and society.

📌 This site provides useful social studies materials. We would be happy if you use our worksheets, texts, and videos to prepare for your exam!





  • 英語えいご数学すうがく: 日本語にほんご得意とくいでなくても、比較的ひかくてき得点とくてんしやすい教科きょうかです。
  • 理科りか:あなたがまなんだことがある用語ようご対応たいおうする日本語にほんごおぼえれば、問題もんだい意味いみ理解りかいしやすくなります。
  • 国語こくご社会しゃかい: 日本にほん文化ぶんか社会しゃかい理解りかいするために重要じゅうよう教科きょうかです。

📌 このサイトさいとでは、とく社会科しゃかいか教材きょうざい充実じゅうじつしています。ワークシートわーくしーとテキストてきすと動画どうが活用かつようして、試験しけん準備じゅんびをしてもらえるとうれしいです!