Books / 書籍(しょせき)

Based on the content of this site, we have published books on KDP (Amazon Kindle).
📌 If you want to study in more detail, please check out our books!

このサイトさいと内容ないようをもとに、KDP(Amazon Kindle)でほん出版しゅっぱんしています。
📌 もっとくわしくまなびたいかたは、ぜひほんをチェックしてください!

My book, [SOCIAL STUDIES OF JAPAN: Civics 340], is now published via Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). It’s available for purchase on Amazon: [Here].

SOCIAL STUDIES OF JAPAN: Civics 340 (English-Japanese Bilingual Edition): Gateway to High School – Bridging Two Horizons from Exams to Global Understanding Kindle Edition